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Best Self Defense Rounds

Best Self Defense Rounds

Gun owners spend a great deal of time choosing the ideal firearms and accessories for various applications, such as hunting, competition, training, or plinking. However, the conversation surrounding equipment for self-defense isn’t complete without first discussing ammunition.

Even if you have the ideal weapon platform for home defense, concealed carrying, and general personal protection, your ability to defend yourself successfully directly depends on the type and quality of your ammunition. Here are today’s best self-defense rounds for the most popular calibers.

Types of Handgun Ammunition

Types of Handgun Ammunition

Handguns, like all types of firearms, fire a variety of different types of ammunition. The type of ammunition you need varies considerably depending on your intended application. Learn about armor piercing bullets, FMJ vs TMJ, What is a Caliber, Bullet Grains, and more...


Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Vs. Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)

Both full metal jacket and jacketed hollow point ammunition serve their own distinct purpose, and both ammo types have their advantages and disadva...