What Carry Position is Best For You?

Carry position is one of the numerous topics that keep getting discussed in the firearms community. The clothing we wear, the gun we carry, whether we're concealed carrying or open carrying all come into play as to what type of carry position we use. Some are better than others and some are very situational.
So let's look at the pros and cons of certain carry positions. (noon is considered the centerline of the body for position references)
Strong Side Carry

Strong side carry is one of the most basic carry positions and usually the first to be tried. The holster is positioned on or between 3 o'clock and 5 o'clock on the right side and 9 o'clock and 7 o'clock on the left side. This takes advantage of the natural shape of the body to break up the shape of the holster and gun when carrying concealed.
When open carrying for duty, competition, or self defense strong side is the “go to”. This is because duty holsters are larger and bulkier than concealed carry holsters, making it harder to place them conveniently on the belt line without creating more movement problems.
Strong side carry with an outside-the-waistband holster benefits from larger cover garments such as jackets, coats, and blazers. There are techniques that negate the additional cover garment being over the gun and have been developed and refined since at least the 1980s.
Pros of Strong Side Carry
The positioning of the holster puts it easily within reach of the dominate hand. This makes it easier to reach for and draw the pistol since it is in the same general area as the hand. This also allows for better retention of the pistol because the hand can be placed on the gun to prevent others from trying to grab it in a scuffle. Additionally it allows for shooting from retention with more direct movements than some other positions. This applies to both open and concealed carry.
The holster can also be shifted slightly to find a comfortable position for it. There are also a wide variety of holsters designed for this type of carry to fit your comfort needs. Holster variety and quality is also better than other options with holsters being available in everything from classic leather to Kydex and carbon fiber to hybrid holsters.
Strong side carry can be done almost without hindrance from your body type or fitness level, making it a great option for those who might not be the most fit individuals.
Cons of Strong Side Carry.
One of the major cons of strong side carry is the difficulty in getting both hands on the gun in the holster. Trying to retain the pistol with both hands or draw the pistol with the non-dominate hand should the main hand be injured is much harder than other carry positions. While doable there is much more contorting required to reach the pistol with the opposite hand.
Depending on if there is an additional cover garment it is hard to get access to the pistol, requiring more practice in moving the garment and getting access to the pistol. This isn't necessarily a con but, for those trying to keep things as simple as possible, this is a consideration for keeping a practice routine streamlined.
Inside-the-waistband holsters require less cover garments than outside the waistband holsters. This simplifies the draw but it can still be foiled by the cover garment. This is where the holster being on the opposite side of the body creates another problem as the support hand needs to clear fabric on the opposite side of the body.
Another con for strong side carry is sitting. If the pistol is more towards the 5 o'clock position it can cause a shift in how you sit putting undue stress on your back, especially when you're carrying and/or sitting for long periods of time. This lessens when the pistol is positioned more on the side but discomfort can be a deterrent from carrying at all and the most comfortable position needs to be used. It also is harder to draw from a seated position with a strong side carry holster.
Appendix Carry

Appendix carry is one of the most popular styles of concealed carry. The holster is placed between 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock on the belt. This allows for the best concealment since the holster is placed within a natural empty space on the body. It however is generally not chosen as the first option for newer carriers because of the gun placement.
Pros of Appendix Carry
Appendix carry has many benefits going for it. Either hand can easily get on the gun/ holster since it is in our body's natural area of control. This helps with retention of the pistol, it is significantly harder to take something from someone using both hands to hold on to it rather than just one hand. Appendix carry also makes it easier to draw with either hand since the gun is equidistant from either side.
Clearing the cover garment with the support hand is more consistent and easier to do when using appendix carry. It allows for quicker, more consistent draws since the gun is brought from the center line to the center of the chest and pushed out.
Concealment is easier with appendix carry since the holster and gun are positioned between the legs of the user. The groin does not change space as drastically or regularly as the buttocks does when going from standing to sitting. It's also easier to draw a pistol when seated while appendix carrying. This is because of how the arm has to move to get the hand in position to grab the gun.
Retention shooting is also benefited by appendix carry. The gun is mostly oriented towards the opponent in a grapple and bring the barrel online is easier and faster than strong side.
Another benefit is that larger handguns with force multipliers (like lights) are easier to carry in the appendix position. This allows for more easily controlled pistols and better options for your concealed carry. Although some might have a problem (see cons). Most of these concerns can be mitigated with a proper holster and training.
The appendix position also allows for the user to easily check to see if the holster is clear of obstructions before re-holstering. This can be done with strong side carry but is even easier in appendix since it is a simple look down.
Cons of Appendix Carry
There are some cons to appendix carrying. There is more specialization that is needed for an appendix carry holster. Padding, hooks, and angles all have to factored in and personalized for the end user. This requires more effort than just purchasing the holster you want and putting it on. There are some appendix holsters that can just be purchased and used without fiddling but mostly finding the perfect combination is down to the individual.
Another con for appendix carry is holster quality, There are numerous high quality holsters for concealed carry but a good quality holster is even more important than in other types of carries. This is because if there is an accidental discharge it is more than likely going to discharge into the inner leg near the femoral artery. This is heavily mitigated by a quality holster but some people want to get off as cheaply as possible. Do not go with a low quality, cheap holster.
Another drawback to appendix carry is perceived comfort, especially for men. The holster and pistol are going to be sharing the groin area with some biological considerations. If the holster isn't setup correctly it can pinch. Additionally there is the psychological and sometimes physical deterrent of there “not being enough space”. This might lead to some not choosing this carry position without trying because they are uncomfortable with the idea of accidental discharge consequences or fears of the holster uncomfortably compressing certain parts of the body.
Small of Back Carry

Popularized in many TV shows and movies, small of back carry has been around for a long time. It is however one of the worst carry options out there. It is not recommended to use this method at all, the costs out weigh the benefits.
Pros of Small of Back Carry
It keeps the pistol easily concealed. It is essentially a worse version of appendix benefiting from the body's natural shape. It also is easier to reach the gun with both hands than some positions, but that is about it.
Cons of Small of Back Carry
The cons on small of back carry are immense. First it requires more effort to reach the gun. Whether with or without a cover garment it requires the user to reach behind them generally with both hands which is not ideal especially when dealing with a grappling situation. It is also extremely hard to draw the pistol quickly without large amounts of practice without the ability to streamline the process.
Secondly the gun cannot be easily checked on visually because it falls outside the normal visual range of the user. Unless you are literally able to look at your back you are not able to check on the pistol, relying only on touch and the feeling of the gun to ensure it is still in control.
Next is the matter of control. Placing the hand on the pistol to try and retain it puts the user in an extremely awkward position that is halfway to a joint lock. Additionally if both hands are occupied, the gun cannot be protected with the bodies natural movements without great risk to oneself.
What risk? Well the small of back carry places a hunk of steel and sometimes plastic and leather right on the lower back, at the junction of the pelvis and spine or just the lower spine. If there is any force applied to that gun and holster it will direct the force into the spine resulting in immense pain at best and a spinal fracture or break at worst. This can be crippling, especially in a fight, and if it's a serious lethal force encounter a deadly setback.
If you are using small of the back carry falling backwards in a scuffle could be a fight ending affair. This is because the uncontrolled nature of your fall can put all the force of your falling body on that gun and crush your spin against it. This is also a concern when sitting or driving. A car crash (statistically more probable than a gun fight) can also slam the gun into the spine whether it be from a rear end collision or from the car continuing to try to go forward after colliding with a large object.
Beyond the crippling risks of small of the back carry there is also the access one has to the pistol. Drawing from a seated position, especially a naturally seated position, is essentially impossible, especially if drawing quickly is important. Placing the gun behind you at any given time removes it from your natural area of control and limits your access to it while carrying it.
The entire concept of small of the back carry is heavily flawed. Combine this with the very low quality holsters available for it and you have even less retention of the pistol while carrying it in a holster. If the holster fails, the pistol can fall out and create more problems especially since it is out of visual confirmation range.
The purpose of a carry position is to keep a pistol within easy reach while maintaining safety and control of the weapon. Small of the back carry really does the opposite. It is affected by how flexible the individual is, body type, health, and mobility. If any of these factors are not ideal it will make accessing the pistol almost impossible.
Cross Draw Carry

Cross draw carry is the polar opposite of strong side carry. It places the holster on the opposite side of the body from the dominate hand. Because of this there are few pros and mostly cons to this type of carry. It also does not provide a good method of concealed carry and is there for mostly open carry.
Pros of Cross Draw Carry
Since the holster is worn on the opposite side of the body like a sword scabbard it allows for longer pistols, particularly revolvers to be carried. This is one of those carry styles that pairs well with going to the range to do some target practice with your oversize handgun while still needing to carry it with you. This method is best suited for beyond average barrel lengths that are longer than 4 or 5 inches if it is directly on the opposite side of the body.
The hobby side of shooting benefits a lot from this carry method especially if you're dealing with cowboy action shooting and want both revolvers accessible with the dominate hand. This will place the holster forward of the opposite similar to an appendix style carry but on the other side of the body.
This type of carry was popular back in the late 1890s and early 1900s for military officers because the placement of the belt was higher on the body than what we wear today. The belt was generally between the belly button and the rib cage which made strong side carry less than optimal.
Cross draw is very situational and tends to land on the side of competition where either historical methods are being used or some sort of speed achieved when switching handguns (like cowboy action matches).
Cons of Cross Draw Carry
Cross draw is extremely hard to conceal unless you're dressing for the cowboy era of Tombstone, Arizona. Most of the time this method was employed because of the clothing choices and styles of the era which is not up to date with modern clothing.
Holster placement is also very finicky. If it is placed too far on the opposite hip you either will be unable to reach the gun or will have the pistol sticking too far out to not be snag hazard. The cross draw holster does not add ease of access to the pistol until it is placed into the 10 or 11 o'clock area on the belt. This does not mean it is a naturally faster draw. Fast draws can be achieved through practice but there is still a lot of distance that needs to be covered by the hand before it reaches the pistol.
Beyond historical significance and niche competitions, the cross draw style has justifiably fallen out of favor in the carry community. This comes down to the awkwardness of the pistol position for the draw if the holster is on the hip since the user has to torque themselves to reach it. Farther forward and it is essentially a canted appendix worn outside the waistband.
The only justification for using a cross draw holster outside of competition and reenactment is the size of the pistol used. Long slide Glocks or long barreled revolvers will benefit from the method but the main benefit would be to actually carry these types of handguns. However there are significantly better options to carry longer barreled handguns than cross draw.
What has kept the cross draw idea alive for so long is the nostalgia it has attached to it, mostly garnered from western films and other media. There are important reasons as to why it was developed but those reasons are no longer viable in the modern context. Cross draw should be avoided unless it is being done for historical or testing purposes to illustrate why it is an obsolete method of carry.
Underarm Carry

Underarm carry is similar to cross draw carry in that it was developed for a particular time for a particular purpose. Unlike cross draw carry, underarm carry is still a slightly more viable option. The handgun is suspended under the non-dominate arm by either a harness (which can carry spare ammunition) or some sort of holster undergarment.
Pros of Underarm Carry
Underarm carry is useful for those who either don't like to have a lot of things attached to their belt or cannot attach things inside their waistband. This can result from number of different reasons but is still a factor.
Additionally an underarm holster can actually be concealed. While it will require an additional cover garment such as a button-up over shirt or some type of coat/blazer. This cover garment is mostly to conceal the harness as the holster itself is tucked away between the non-dominate arm and the torso. This blends the holster into the natural space of the body, obstructing the line of sight to it with the arm.
Another benefit of the holster placement is the ease of sitting and drawing while seated. Generally if you can move your arm across your chest while seated you will be able to reach the holster, especially in a car seat. Being seated in a car or chair for most of the day might benefit from the underarm carry since it keeps the holster in the profile of the body. This keeps it from being banged on things unless you're pushing your rib cage against those things (unlike strong side carry or other side belt methods).
Underarm allows for larger framed revolvers to be carried with relative ease. The barrel and bulk of the gun still fit in that side profile of the individual wearing the holster. This might require a more encompassing harness system attaching to the belt line but is still doable.
Cons of Underarm Carry
While the position offers a lot of concealment for a variety of handgun sizes there are a few draw backs. One of the less likely draw backs is falling on one's side. An unbraced fall might drive the gun into the side of the ribs, resulting in fractures to the ribs. Less likely than the dangers of small of the back carry but still a factor to be considered.
Other factors to consider is the weight distribution of the harness. The non-suspender type harnesses place the entire weight of the gun and spare ammunition on the shoulders. This can weigh you down, resulting in fatigue, poor posture, and back problems. This does depend on the weight of the gun and any spare magazines but the harness still does not transfer the weight down to your hips. This lack of weight transfer does not really apply when one is sitting but it is a factor if you are walking around.
Another draw back of the underarm holster is concealment. While it is concealable it will require a specific wardrobe for it to work. If you don't usually wear button-up shirts or coats it might draw attention to you or be unsuitable for your normal routine. This doesn't mean it's not a viable option but it has to fit the situation you will be using this method of carry.
One of the final draw backs is holster quality and maintenance. In regards to holster quality, some underarm holsters are attached to deep concealment shirts. The shirts have questionable retention and even more questionable release ability. They can lead to slower draws and are mostly for concealment for concealment's sake.
The other factor to consider is holster maintenance. Kydex and carbon fiber holsters are very easy to maintain. However most quality shoulder harnesses you are going to find are going to be leather. This is for a number of reasons. Most of these are comfort and wear resistance. But leather requires maintenance. Without proper care the leather can crack, warp, and otherwise change. This adds variables to the carry gear. It might still function in its warped or damaged state but it is compromised in its integrity.
Chest/Bra Carry

Chest and bra holsters are two different holsters but we will deal with them both here. Each has benefits and draw backs while meeting specific needs. Both effectively move the holster to the center line of the torso. This adds certain benefits and rather unique problems.
Pros of Chest Carry
Starting off with the chest holster we find that there are numerous different styles of chest holster. They come in a variety of materials ranging from Kydex to leather and are marketed as trail holsters, although some use them as concealed carry holsters. Effectively this is like the appendix equivalent of the underarm holster. The pistol is in the natural area of control for the body while allowing for easy access to the pistol.
Out on the trail, a holster is less likely to snag from regular walking when compared to strong side carry. Depending on the style of the chest holster it can also blend in with the rest of your hiking gear while sacrificing speed of draw. These holsters are more geared towards defense against animals rather than people but they generally serve dual purpose.
These style of holsters also come with a type of harness or harness straps which means that a belt is not necessarily required to be worn with them. They can be an easily thrown on option.
This brings us to the bra holster. There have been a number of styles developed but the basic design clips or otherwise attaches to the bra and uses the body's natural shape to conceal the handgun. This is an option for women especially if they are generally wearing things like dresses where a quality gun belt will stand out.
Cons of Chest Carry
Similar problems arise for the chest/bra holster as the underarm holster. Additional fatigue from weight on the chest can create a mental deterrent from carrying the pistol. These types of holsters are also very situational. If you are not out in the woods or the outdoor regularly a chest holster is probably not the option for you.
Chest holsters also limit which hand has access to the pistol as the gun will generally be canted towards the dominate hand. This prevents the other hand from having easy access to the gun.
Another draw back is concealment. Some chest holsters are very much like strong side holsters with additional straps, however the holster is now in the center of the chest. This means it either must be worn under a cover garment or within a coat. Although if its major purpose is for the trail having he chest holster within a coat makes it harder to access. Other styles of holster will put the gun in a secure pocket on the chest, similar to many chest bags for hiking backpacks. This sometimes needs an added holster in it, others do not, but this still slows down access to the handgun.
Bra holsters have an entirely different series of problems to deal with. The biggest is that they restrict the size of handgun used. This is because the suspension system us the bra itself. It isn't design to hold up an additional 1 to 3 pounds of gun in addition to its other duties. It effectively makes the only options sub or micro compact handguns the only available option.
Another limiting factor that is unique to the bra holster is the necessary body type required to actually conceal the pistol. Since the bra holster is trying to take advantage of the natural disruptive curves of the body to conceal the handgun there's a certain minimum required. A shirt or cover garment can't be too tight otherwise the holster is going to be a bit more obvious.
The next draw back is draw speed and comfort. The access to the bra holster is very limited, especially if the bra is the lowest layer of clothing. Camisoles and undershirts will add another layer in addition to the normal over shirt. This means there are more and more layers of clothing that will restrict access to the handgun.
The final drawback of the bra holster is that the holster is in an area that can be easily irritated. Normal holsters can be uncomfortable and are generally in less sensitive areas. Chaffing becomes an even bigger problem for the end user here if the holster is proven to be an irritant.
Ankle Carry

The method of carry for the back up gun, ankle carry is one of the longer standing options that is still very viable today. Not necessarily as the primary option for concealed carry but as a secondary method for a secondary gun, ankle carry still manages to hold on into modern times. The holster can be placed on the inside or the outside of the ankle depending on which hand is intended to grab it and which leg the holster is on. The dominate side leg will generally have the holster on the outside of the ankle while the non-dominate side will have it on the inside if the primary hand is supposed to have access.
Pros of Ankle Carry
Ankle carry allows for the carrying of a second pistol that can be pushed into service should the primary pistol either be lost or fail catastrophically. This especially has to be considered when an individual is carrying a revolver as the primary handgun. Full gun lock ups generally will happen with a poorly cared for revolver and the only remedial action to fix it in a high stress situation is to get a different gun. This allows for a higher chance of survival
Ankle holsters allow for better concealment when wearing pants. This is because they take up an area that is generally not used by the everyday individual. Additionally printing is very minimal if the correct holster and pant leg size is chosen. The ankle holster will effectively disappear to the casual observer and possibly more aware individuals.
Ankle holsters provide better access to a secondary gun than other options like off body carry (which we will get to later). Except for the most awkward of positions the wearer should be able to reach their mid-calf or ankle from a variety of angles.
Cons of Ankle Carry
The ankle holster does have a few draw backs. These mostly are found in the complexity of the draw. First of all, the general access to the ankle holster is not as easy as that of a holster on the belt or even the upper torso. While belt mounted holsters will generally be within the natural reach of the hands at any given point, an ankle holster requires some for of kneeling or squatting to the bring the holster within reach of the hand.
The ankle holster also has a tougher cover garment than other holsters. The material of most shirts are lighter or more easily moved than most pant legs. The user has to be sure that the pant leg can be cleared relatively easily to get access to the ankle holster. This adds another complex layer to selecting a holster for your pistol.
The position and the area the holster has available also limits the user's options. Obviously the ankle carry position is for a back up gun. This means the pistol will either be a small frame revolver or some sort of sub or micro compact pistol. Trying to put a full sized pistol in an ankle holster will result in failure.
Another consideration to using ankle holsters is the weight of a pistol. Since smaller pistols are going to be used weight might not be an issue, however additional weight on the ankle can cause strain to be put on the ankle joint. This can lead to ankle damage or fatigue, especially when using a low quality holster.
With that in mind we come to the next concern in regards to ankle carry, ankle injuries. The ankle is already a weak joint, people can sprain their ankle quite easily, but now there is an additional piece of steel and other materials strapped to/near that joint. That holster can be compressed into the ankle itself, effectively ramming the pistol into the ankle. This is unlikely but not outside of the realm of possibility. The damage to the ankle will be multiplied by the presence of that holster and firearm creating a “rock and a hard place” scenario.
Pocket Carry

Pocket carry is one of the more common solutions brought up to individuals who may not have access to a holster or are unable to use a normal holster for some reason. Its most basic method of use is putting a pistol into the pocket like a wallet or phone. Other methods involve elaborate and poorly designed holsters that try to mimic wallet designs while allowing access to the trigger while better designs take a frame work and attach a normal holster to it that allows for the entire system to be placed in the pocket. Other aspects of pocket carry lie on seasonal requirements for carry as well.
Pros of Pocket Carry
The pocket carry method allows for concealment in a variety of different clothing options. As long as it has pockets and the appropriate handgun is selected pocket carry can be a potentially safe and secure method of carrying a handgun.
Pocket carry pairs very well with older small frame revolvers. The generally heavier trigger pull helps create a safe option for this method of carry as it used to be very common for pocket pistols to exist. Now with modern semi automatics, a number of micro or sub compact handguns can also be carried in the pocket. Although with semi-autos this is less ideal and “why” will be covered in the cons of pocket carry.
Another benefit of pocket carry is access. Since the hand has to be able to reach the pocket the pistol will always be roughly in the area of other more normal holsters. Access is another important consideration when dealing with seasonal changes to clothing.
A pistol in the pocket of a coat might be easier to access than the pistol in an appendix or strong side holster because the coat style blocks access to the belt. With pocket carry this is negated, allowing for a handgun to be more easily accessed merely from it being within the coat itself. This can significantly reduce draw times when compared to trying to clear the cover garment and then access the pistol (although mostly a problem with heavy winter coats).
Cons of Pocket Carry
Pocket carry can be a tricky thing. The amount of “Stuff” that ends up in our pockets is unbelievable. This can create a number of problems with pocket carry.
One of the major concerns with pocket carry is accidental discharges. If there are too many things in the pocket the gun is in or there isn't a holster around the trigger of the gun, then the likelihood of an accidental discharge increases. Coins, pocket knives, and even things like chap stick and get into the trigger guard and depress the trigger in some pistol models. This can be mitigated by not carrying anything else in the pocket, having an in-pocket holster, or having multiple safeties on the pistol. However the risk is still there due to the nature of pockets.
Another potential problem is speed or ease of access. While a pistol in a coat pocket or pants pocket might always be present the reliability of getting it out of the pocket can be a concern. This is from potential snag points on the gun itself. This has led to numerous different modifications to pistols removing hammer spurs on certain hammered fired guns and de-horning pistols in general.
Related to snag hazards is the ability to get the hand into and out of the pocket easily. This might not be a concern on large coats, it can be a concern in regards to pants pocket. Since pockets are not made to a specific standard like normal holsters are, they can be a tight fit for both the hand and gun to go through the opening, especially with a proper grip on the gun.
The final problem is getting that secure grip on the gun. The need to have the pistol securely in the hand is one of the most important aspects of the draw, it cuts down on fumbling and potential self harm. This is harder to do with the varying nature of pockets, especially when the user is seated. Pulling out a phone can be hard under normal circumstances and the difficulty is compounded by stressful and dangerous situations.
Off Body Carry

Off body carry is one of the strangest and most problematic of carry options. Sometimes it is necessary, other times it creates significant problems for the user and everyone around them. Off body carry generally occurs when an individual either wants a gun close by or needs temporary storage in a public place. This happens with carrying a gun in a purse or handbag and other things like backpacks or satchels.
Pros of Off Body Carry
The ability to have a gun available is beneficial for self defense. The size of gun that can be carried off body is restricted only by the size of the back and local/federal laws. Off body carry can include things like AK or AR pistols, certain legal length “shotguns”, pistol caliber carbines, and other legal NFA items.
Carrying off body also allows for any sized handgun to be available for use and for having a larger amount of spare ammunition on hand. There are much less restrictions as what can be put in an off body bag, especially when the primary purpose of that bag is to carry potentially life-saving tools.
Anyone can off body carry, especially if their normal clothing does not allow them to use a normal holster. This is especially useful if you have to drastically change your wardrobe for a special occasion.
Cons of Off Body Carry
The draw backs of off body carry are numerous. They all revolve around weight, access, and security.
Let's start off with security. The problem with off body carry is that the user can be easily separated from the weapon and bag. Whether a purse, a backpack, or any other type of bag, they can easily be taken away by someone or effectively tied up by someone in a scuffle. This means that an unsecured weapon can be added to the environment at best and at worst a weapon can be provided to someone who shouldn't have it. This can result in the weapon being stolen on purpose or by accident which in turn leads to even more problems.
Another aspect of safety is that off body bags can be very obvious. They might attract the wrong type of attention. Add in popular methods of storing firearms in vehicles and you have a recipe for more stolen weapons.
The next problem is access. Some off body carry methods may provide too much access. This goes back to the theft of firearms. If there is no way to secure the weapon, either by you being able to grab onto it or you being able to securely lock it away, the weapon is up for the taking. Car gun magnets and poorly designed car safes are perfect examples of poorly secured firearms.
On the more personal side, being able to get the gun out of the bag you have it in might be harder than it was initially assumed. If the gun is loose in a purse or bag it might shift and not be in the place you expect it to be. It also runs a higher risk of accidentally discharging because of other items within the same storage area getting into the trigger guard.
The added complexity of making sure the pistol or other gun stays where it is supposed to be can make it harder to do than normal carry options. This means a holster, a bag, and a gun need to be obtained and put together in a repeatable way that allows for a consistent draw.
One of the last concerns is weight. Because the weapon is going to be carried off body there is a temptation to fill “the whole bag”. This means larger and larger guns might be added to the bag, more ammunition, and more magazines. This may result in the bag becoming too heavy to easily carry or transport. There are also certain legal concerns depending on the guns carried in this manner, especially with short barreled rifles and AR/AK pistols. Overly enthusiastic individuals might rush into being able to carry a more effective gun without considering the legal aspects involved, getting themselves into legal trouble.
Off body carry is very situational and should be avoided as a primary method of carry due to the security concerns and lack of control over the firearm when it can be removed from one's person as easily as taking off a backpack or snatching a purse.
So what position is your favorite? Let us know in the comments.