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Concealed Carry: Appendix Carry

Concealed Carry: Appendix Carry

When carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense, you can choose from several carry positions. One of the most popular positions is appendix carry. 

Appendix carry is the act of carrying a handgun inside or outside the front of the waistband between the navel or belt buckle and the hip or front pocket of your pants. 

Using a 12-hour clock face as a reference point, appendix carry places the weapon between 12 and 3 o’clock if you’re a right-handed shooter and between 9 and 12 o’clock if you’re left-hand dominant. 

Mexican Carry without a holster - Vaquero with gun

Mexican Carry: Appendix Carry Without a Holster

There are several ways to carry a gun. Inside-the-waistband (IWB) appendix carry is a popular choice for the gun owner interested in deep concealment and a fast draw. By placing the weapon between 12 and 2 o’clock — between the belt buckle and the dominant hip — you’re able to carry discreetly while maintaining access to your weapon. 

However, while most gun owners who IWB carry handguns use a holster, there’s also a technique called Mexican carry. Mexican carry refers to the practice of carrying a handgun inside the waistband without a holster. This may be either open or concealed.

How to Wear a Holster? Best Concealed Carry Positions

Most Popular Concealed Carry Positions: How to Wear a Holster

Choosing the ideal concealed carry position is like selecting the best handgun. There are many options available, and you’ll likely need to experiment before finding what’s most comfortable for you.

The right carry position can make a huge difference in comfort, effective concealment, and long-term efficiency. If you want to know how to wear a holster for concealment, here are the five most popular carry positions chosen by American gun owners. 

Appendix Carry - IWB Holsters

The Truth About Appendix Carry

Appendix carry has exploded in the last few years, and many people like to think it’s a new “phenomenon.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can see professional IPSC shooter Jim Zubiena use an appendix holster in his guest appearance in episode 4 of season 1 of Miami Vice, which premiered in 1984. The firearms industry isn’t immune to the ‘what's old is new again,’ phenomenon. If we can see it on TV with shows like Stranger Things, and the return of 80’s synth music we can see it with holsters.