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Gun News | Gun Holster Comparisons, Gun Reviews, Gun Safety and More

40 vs 45: Ballistics, Recoil, and Stopping Power

40 vs 45: Ballistics, Recoil, and Stopping Power

If you’re interested in carrying a handgun for self-defense, you need to consider the caliber. The importance of correct shot placement cannot be overstated, but the terminal performance of the ammunition is critical to reliable incapacitation. The most common handgun cartridges for law enforcement and private self-defense are the .40 S&W and .45 ACP. 
Concealed Carry: Appendix Carry

Concealed Carry: Appendix Carry

When carrying a concealed firearm for self-defense, you can choose from several carry positions. One of the most popular positions is appendix carry. 

Appendix carry is the act of carrying a handgun inside or outside the front of the waistband between the navel or belt buckle and the hip or front pocket of your pants. 

Using a 12-hour clock face as a reference point, appendix carry places the weapon between 12 and 3 o’clock if you’re a right-handed shooter and between 9 and 12 o’clock if you’re left-hand dominant. 

Glock 45 vs Glock 19

Glock 45 vs Glock 19

The Glock 45 is not a .45-caliber variant of the popular Austrian pistol series despite the designation. Instead, the Glock 45 is a hybrid design, combining the benefits of both the Glock 19 and Glock 17 pistols into a versatile package. So, what exactly are the differences between the G45 vs G19, and how do they compare? 
Ruger 10/22 Takedown

Ruger 10/22 Takedown: Easy to Disassemble Version of America's Favorite .22 Rifle

The Ruger 10/22 is America’s most popular .22-caliber rimfire rifle. Ruger has sold more than seven million 10/22 rifles in various configurations since 1964.  

In 2012, Ruger introduced the 10/22 Takedown, which allows you to break the rifle down into two subassemblies for transport or storage. This is ideal for hunting, backpacking, camping, or other activities where storage space is limited.

556 vs 223

556 vs 223

The two most common AR-15 calibers on the U.S. market are the .223 Remington and the 5.56×45mm NATO. Eugene Stoner developed the .223 Remington, based on the .222 Remington sporting cartridge, in cooperation with Sierra Bullets. In September 1963, the U.S. military type-classified the .223 Remington cartridge, using a 55-grain bullet, as “Cartridge, 5.56mm Ball, M193.” 

In 1964, Remington introduced the .223 cartridge to the sporting market. Several companies now manufacture sporting, and tactical carbines and rifles chambered in both cartridges. But which round is more suitable for your purposes?

Taurus G2C Review: Is Taurus a Good Gun Brand?

Taurus G2C Review: Is Taurus a Good Gun Brand?

If you’re interested in an affordably priced 9mm or .40-caliber semi-automatic pistol for concealed carry, consider the Taurus G2c. However, some gun owners may ask, “Is Taurus a good gun brand?” The company had a few problems over the years regarding its Millennium line. 

Fortunately, the G2c was never the focus of these complaints, and the pistol remains a cost-effective alternative to Glock and Smith & Wesson firearms for budget-conscious gun owners and first-time buyers. 

Glock 19 vs PSA Dagger

Glock 19 vs PSA Dagger

The Glock 19 is one of the most popular semi-automatic centerfire handguns in the United States. If you’re interested in a compact 9mm handgun for home defense, concealed carry, or competitive target shooting, the Glock 19 is the standard. 

Several companies capitalized on Glock’s popularity by introducing Glock clones. The purpose of a Glock clone is to deliver competition-ready performance out of the box or a low-cost weapon for budget-conscious gun owners and first-time buyers. 

While several Glock clones are on the market, the PSA Dagger is one of the newest entrants. 

We conducted a PSA Dagger review, comparing the weapon’s features with Glock to help you determine which weapon is the best choice for your needs. 

Smith and Wesson 40: M&P 40 Caliber Pistols

Smith and Wesson 40: M&P 40 Caliber Pistols

In 2005, Smith & Wesson introduced the M&P as a competitor to the Glock series of handguns. The M&P is a striker-fired, polymer-framed, semi-automatic pistol available in several calibers and variants. M&P stands for Military & Police, a designation the pistol shares with the company’s Model 10 service revolver. 

The M&P 40, specifically, fires the .40 S&W cartridge, which Smith & Wesson developed in cooperation with Winchester in 1990. This round offers increased power compared with the 9mm Luger cartridge and increased capacity compared with the .45. While not the first Smith & Wesson .40 pistol, the M&P is one of the most versatile. 

What to Look for in a 1911 Leather Holster

What to Look for in a 1911 Leather Holster

The Colt Automatic Pistol was designed by John Moses Browning in cooperation with Colt’s technical staff and adopted by the U.S. Army as the M1911. For almost 75 years, the M1911 and M1911A1 pistols served the United States military in multiple wars and police actions. 

Despite its replacement by the 9mm Beretta M9 in 1985, the 1911 design remains popular among private citizens for self-defense and competitive target shooting.  

If you carry a 1911, you need a holster to match, and leather beautifully complements the design of this classic workhorse. Gun owners choose leather because it’s cosmetically attractive, soft against the skin, quiet to draw from, and comfortable to wear.

However, it’s still important to look for the elements that combine to create a safe, reliable, and rugged leather holster. 

Dry Firing: What is Dry Firing? Is it Safe?

Dry Firing: What is Dry Firing? Is it Safe?

One of the most frequent topics a beginner is likely to hear about is dry firing firearms. 

However, the information regarding dry firing can be confusing; you may have heard some swear by it as an essential training and practice tool, while others warn against the damage it can do to your firearm.

Learn what dry firing is, whether it is safe for your guns, and why it may be worth considering.

AK Pistols, AR Pistols, Pistol Braces, and Short Barreled Rifles

AK Pistols, AR Pistols, Pistol Braces & Short Barreled Rifles

If you want the power of a rifle in a compact package, you have two options: The short-barreled rifle or the rifle-caliber pistol. By attaching a stabilizing brace to an AR-15- or AK-47-pattern firearm with a short barrel, you can benefit from the increased power of an intermediate rifle cartridge in a compact, less-regulated weapon. 

History of Glock: from Glock 17 to the Worlds Most Popular Handgun

History of Glock

Glock is one of the most recognizable names in the firearms industry. This company’s products are so popular and well-known, the word Glock has entered common vernacular as a synonym for any handgun, just as Colt once did.

Discover Glock’s atypical history, how it became a firearm company, who invented the Glock pistol, and how Glock pistols became successful.