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Gun News | Gun Holster Comparisons, Gun Reviews, Gun Safety and More

Best First Handgun for Beginner Shooters

Best Handgun for A Beginner | Read About The Best Beginner Handguns Online

The best handgun for beginners depends on the individual — there is no one-size-fits-all weapon. However, several weapons are suitable for this role. When selecting a handgun for a beginner, you need to determine the purpose for which you intend to use it. If this is strictly for learning how to shoot, the selection criteria may differ from those related to a defensive handgun. 
What is a Misfire? How to Safely Clear a Jammed Gun

What is a Misfire? How to Safely Clear a Jammed Gun

Firearms are complex machines with multiple parts moving at high velocity under heat, friction, and stress. As a result, firearms can experience mechanical malfunctions for various reasons, from fouling and a lack of lubrication to parts breaking.

What is a Misfire?

A misfire occurs when the firing pin or striker fails to detonate the primer or the primer fails to ignite the propellant charge in the cartridge. Misfire is synonymous with failure to fire, and you’ll usually experience this type of malfunction as an audible click. A misfire can be caused by a defective primer or a light primer strike.

What to Look for in a Leather Holster

What to Look for in a Leather IWB Holster

IWB holsters are available in various materials, from Kydex to Cordura nylon. Still, many gun owners prefer leather, the traditional holster material, for its comfort and aesthetic appeal. But what specific features should you look for in a leather IWB holster?
Holsters for Women

Concealed Carry Holsters for Women

Approximately 20 million American men and women are licensed to carry firearms, and 20 states no longer require concealed-carry permits. If you intend to carry a firearm concealed for self-defense, a suitable holster is an essential accessory. 

However, what a woman needs from a concealed carry holster is not necessarily the same as a man due to differences in clothing and anatomy. If you’re looking for a gun holster for women, there are several criteria to consider.

American Flag History

American Flag History

The American Flag is the ultimate patriotic symbol and has represented the United States proudly since 1777. While the integrity of the flag remains unchanged, the design has been altered 27 times since its inception. 

America also has numerous flags that originate from historically significant battles and events. A unique history is sewn into each of the different US flag variations, from the Fort Moultrie flag and its use in the revolutionary war to the Molon Labe flag.

How to survive an earthquake and what to do when an earthquake strikes

What to do in an Earthquake

An earthquake can be a harrowing experience, presenting many potential dangers from falling debris and building collapses. Knowing the risk of an earthquake in your region and how to react in case of an emergency is essential. Here’s how to recognize whether you’re at risk of experiencing an earthquake and what to do if one occurs. 

What is 9mm +P

9mm +P: What is +P Ammo?

While browsing for ammunition at your local gun store, you may have noticed that certain boxes of ammunition feature the label +P. You might have also found the term in some of your guns’ instruction manuals, either advising against its use or indicating that it is safe to shoot.

Find out what exactly is +P ammunition, how it differs from regular ammunition, what it does to your guns, and what you can do with it.

The Tommy Gun: History of the Thompson Submachine Gun

The Tommy Gun: History of the M1A1 Thompson Submachine Gun

The Thompson submachine gun, also known as the Tommy gun, is a .45-caliber, air-cooled, blowback-operated weapon. An American icon, U.S. infantrymen carried the Thompson in the European, North African, and Pacific theaters of World War II and during the Korean War. Firing .45 ACP cartridges at an approximate rate of 600–700 rounds per minute, the Thompson proved to be a reliable and effective weapon on the battlefield.
Best Tactical Flashlights for Guns

The Best Tactical Flashlight for Guns

A tactical flashlight is an excellent addition to any gun owner’s home defense and personal protection equipment. Using a weapon-mounted light instead of a standard flashlight has many advantages. You can see in the dark while keeping both hands on your gun, maximizing the level of control over your weapon.

If you wish to install a tactical flashlight on your firearm, you’ll need to know about flashlight terminology and how to recognize the most desirable features. Here’s what to look for and which are the best firearm tactical flashlights today.

The most powerful handguns in the world

The Most Powerful Handguns in the World

The characteristics of the most powerful handgun are constantly evolving as gun designers tinker with new cartridges and develop more powerful loads. Power in the context of small arms typically refers to kinetic energy, half the projectile’s mass times the velocity squared. This is the energy that an object has when in motion, directly affecting the damage a projectile causes to its target.

If you select a handgun for self-defense or hunting, muzzle energy is not the only factor you should consider when assessing its power. The cost and availability of the ammunition, recoil and controllability, magazine capacity, practical accuracy, size, and weight of the firearm all contribute to the level of power a handgun offers. 

Military Camouflage: Types of Camo for Different Regions & the History of Camouflage

Military Camouflage: Types of Camo for Different Regions

Infantrymen and special-operations forces use military camouflage to avoid hostile detection and deceive enemy forces. 

Through the use of camouflage, a soldier can mask his approach, observing or acting without being seen or identified. It can also provide protective concealment for service members, preventing exposure to hostile fire.  

To effectively camouflage personnel and equipment, it’s necessary to understand the principles of camouflage and the factors of recognition. 

Mexican Carry without a holster - Vaquero with gun

Mexican Carry: Appendix Carry Without a Holster

There are several ways to carry a gun. Inside-the-waistband (IWB) appendix carry is a popular choice for the gun owner interested in deep concealment and a fast draw. By placing the weapon between 12 and 2 o’clock — between the belt buckle and the dominant hip — you’re able to carry discreetly while maintaining access to your weapon. 

However, while most gun owners who IWB carry handguns use a holster, there’s also a technique called Mexican carry. Mexican carry refers to the practice of carrying a handgun inside the waistband without a holster. This may be either open or concealed.
